International Expansion
International business is complex.
Opportunities and risks abound.
We help companies navigate these waters and thrive in international markets.
Sample Projects

Market Entry Strategy
A private equity client had recently purchased a supplier of DIY home carpet cleaning solutions. Having done the original commercial due diligence, we were very familiar with the business in the US which comprised nearly all of company revenues. Looking for additional growth overseas, the company turned to us to help prioritize European markets based consumer behavior, residential flooring trends, and channel dynamics as well as ancillary factors impacting demand like pet ownership, birth rates, and weather. The result was a targeted and data driven roll out strategy that enabled the successful entry of this new service offering into a previously untapped overseas market.

International Growth Strategy
A $500 privately held leader in the industrial energy storage space was considering a sale in the next several years. Understanding that value would be severely limited by the fact that the company had a very high share in a relatively slow growing domestic market, they retained us to develop an aggressive yet realistic strategy for international growth. The deliverable was a data driven strategic roadmap to transform the company to a true global concern with entry into higher growth verticals - such as renewable energy and electric vehicles - in a prioritized set of accessible markets.